IPv6 Firewalls

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Essentially, there are three options for implementing IPv6 firewalls at CECS:

  • use the DoI virtual firewall solution running on their Cisco routers
  • use iptables6 on Linux-based routers
  • use per-machine firewalls

DoI Virtual Firewalls

As of August, 2011, the IPv6 functionality of the DoI Virtual Firewall solution, running on the Cisco routers, could only be administered using the Cisco IOS commandline. It is anticipated that the GUI for administering the firewall, as used for IPv4, will be available for IPv6 in a future release...

In general, modifying the IPv6 firewall rules is, apparently, pretty much identical to doing it for IPv4, only each command is prefaced with "ipv6 ".

Full online documentation for IPv6 Firewall configuration is available online: Configuring IPv6. There are also local tips here: Cisco_IOS_FW_Tips.

Linux iptables6
