Version Control

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Version Control is the management of versions of source documents, such as computer code. Also known as Source Code Management (SCM)



Git is a full-featured open-source distributed version control system written by Linux Torvalds and others.


Setting up a Remote for SSH

(I always forget this command...) After setting up a bare repository on somehost.somedomain, then, on your dev. machine:

% git remote add origin bob@somehost.somedomain:path_to_git_repositories/project

Color vs. ESC issues with Ubuntu

Actually, a problem with the default pager settings, according to Mac OS X color showing ESC[whatever for git-diff colors (and more).

Fix: change GIT_PAGER from more to less. Also some environment variables for less: LESS="-erX" (in /etc/profile, or wherever).

"Go ahead - just do it"

This guy/gal wrote on

Why don't you just try it. You can always do a hard reset if it doesn't work. Just make a temporary
branch at the old spot. Go on. Try it. You know you want to... – Cupcake May 30 at 2:54

Great advice - helped me change my ways...


git checkout -b new_branch

Git References


Subversion is a centralized version control system which is also open-source

External links