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"Pinger" is a 2012 Software Engineering Group Project by a group of 3rd and 4th year Software Engineering students of the ANU.

It is largely built on Drupal Content Management System (CMS), version 6.25.

The students delivered a VirtualBox .ova appliance with a complete development environment.

Drupal to Pinger

Drupal is a modular CMS and allows much customisation. There are two main types of customisations:

* modules - additional functionality
* themes - look and feel

Modules are installed in three places:

* modules/ - core Drupal modules - Pinger has no additional core modules
* sites/all/modules/contrib/ - contributed modules - initially empty
* sites/all/modules/custom/ - locally customised modules - initially empty

Likewise, themes are also installed in three places:

* themes/ - core Drupal themes - Pinger has no additional core themes
* sites/all/themes/contrib/ p Pinger has no additional contributed themes
* sites/all/themes/custom/ - locally customised themes - initially empty

Contributed Modules

Pinger uses the following contributed modules:

* activity
* advanced_help
* arrange_fields
* autologout
* better_formats
* data
* delete_all
* devel
* faq
* fbssts
* formfilter
* google_analytics
* jquery_update
* login_destination
* menu_css_names
* menu_html
* node_expire
* og_user_roles
* panels
* privatemsg
* security_questions
* security_review
* skinr
* smtp
* schema
* stringoverrides
* tabtamer
* uif
* uif_og
* unlimited_css
* user_import
* user_import_og
* views_groupby
* views_php

Installation on Debian

(these instructions are based on a set-up on an OpenVZ container running on a "minimal" Debian 6.0 base)

(although I prefer PostgreSQL, we'll use MySQL for this install)

root@Pinger:/# apt-get update
root@Pinger:/# apt-get upgrade
root@Pinger:/# apt-get install php5

(installs PHP 5.3, Apache 2.2 and a bunch of other stuff)

root@Pinger:/# apt-get install mysql-server
root@Pinger:/# adduser pinger
root@Pinger:/# su - pinger
pinger@Pinger:~$ wget
pinger@Pinger:~$ tar xzf /tmp/drupal-6.25.tar.gz
pinger@Pinger:~$ cd drupal-6.25
pinger@Pinger:~$ exit
root@Pinger:/# mkdir /var/www/PingNew
root@Pinger:/# chown pinger.www-data /var/www/PingNew
root@Pinger:/# chmod g+s /var/www/PingNew
root@Pinger:/# su - pinger
pinger@Pinger:~$ mv drupal-6.25/* drupal-6.25/.htaccess /var/www/PingNew